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Feel powerful at work every day

Emotional Intelligence Coaching for women in the workplace

Shift your thoughts to create big change
Enhance your communication skills
Create balance at work and at home

Are you unheard, unnoticed, and unhappy at work?

Perhaps you've heard feedback that you're too loud, too quiet, or too much. 

You might find you're overlooked for opportunities and passed over for promotions.


Others' impressions and opinions around you stir questions inside you. 


● What do they think of me?

● Will I ever catch a break?

● Why can't they understand me?

● How should I say that (or should I say it at all)?


In short, how do you figure out and express the right amount of assertiveness in the workplace?


Thankfully, there are small shifts you can learn that can result in big changes in your experience at work.

Learn to soar at work -- and in life.


Emotional intelligence is like the rudder that guides an airplane's stability and balance. With a greater emotional intelligence, you can soar. 

Even highly confident people can always learn more about themselves, others, and better communication. Especially as it relates to going farther in your career and life.
Emotional intelligence influences how you:

● Perceive and express yourself. 

● Perceive and express yourself in relationships.

● Cope with challenges.

● Improve, maintain, and grow positive relationships.

● Create personal well-being.


The social and emotional skills that come from emotional intelligence coaching are small adjustments that, when put together, create big changes. 

You are your greatest asset.


My name is Anessa Collins, and I understand the demands of women in the workplace. During my 20 years in corporate, I struggled with that push-pull between saying yes to work demands and saying no to myself. 

Daily, I calculated what actions I should take versus the perceptions it would create in others. I struggled with the push-pull between being nice and being labeled. Through emotional intelligence work, I learned how to turn these patterns around.

Since 2008, I’ve been teaching women to increase their emotional intelligence. 

When women increase their self-awareness, self-regard, and self-confidence, their overall well-being improves. Managing conflict, drawing healthy boundaries, and quelling unproductive thoughts are all within reach.

You can become your own greatest asset in creating the work life you desire.

To soar at work, the flight plan is simple.


Book a Call.


Let's discuss your career and work-life goals. See how emotional intelligence helps create balance, draw boundaries, and boost well-being.


Take the EQ-i Coaching Power Hour.


In one hour, you'll dive deep into your Emotional Quotient Inventory. We'll uncover your strengths and areas to work on so you can show up strong at work and in life.


Feel empowered at work every day.


Transform your experience at work. Make things better at work today and in all of your life every day.

You deserve workplace well-being.

What women are saying about emotional intelligence coaching.

Setting boundaries with clients has been difficult for me, and people-pleasing tendencies have also been hard to overcome.

I enrolled in one of Anessa's masterminds. It was engaging and interesting. From the beginning, I enjoyed the breath work and saw immediate benefits.

After only one mastermind, I felt inspired. I loved the conversations, the topics covered, and the experience with other attendees.


I struggled with managers and co-workers who frequently asked me to do things I knew weren't my responsibility.

In my coaching sessions with Anessa, I learned how to make decisions aligned with who I am without the guilt or fear of saying "no."

After our time together, I could use Anessa's recommendations at work, and my confidence grew immediately! I am glad to say I am no longer suffering in silence.


I was a member of the Wisdom Circles for Female Wave of Change Canada, facilitated by Anessa. 

She created a warm, safe, and inviting space that helped us learn and grow. We were guided by Anessa's relevant and proprietary teaching. This helped all of us group members reach the meaningful outcomes we'd hoped for.

I highly recommend Anessa's coaching.


Increase your income and gain more respect in the workplace.

Discover the 3 communication mistakes that hold you back from achieving the success you desire and the balance you deserve.

Learn how to:

  • Turn around unhelpful self-talk, assumptions, and beliefs.

  • Stop reacting by engaging the little-known skill of reality testing.

  • Expand your circle of confidants for perspective & opportunities.

These emotional intelligence concepts provide the fuel for career takeoff. Get your free download today.

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Emotional intelligence coaching for women in the workplace.  

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